I got hit with this verse this early morning!
We have our son’s Maltese Solaire this week. We enjoy Solaire and his favorite places to lay are on my hospital bed or between my feet when I am in my chair. This morning as my husband went to take a shower, Solaire came out of the bathroom and jumped on my bed. I was telling God how weary I was before the day even started. I was asking for strength to do whatever He puts in my day when Solaire appeared over my face. I barely had time to blink before Solaire gave me a Good Morning kiss on my lips and teeth! Remember I can’t move or yell. I was at Solaire’s mercy.
I laid there looking at the ceiling praying, “Father, I can’t do this. It is hard to be at people’s mercy daily but now I am at a dog’s mercy? How much longer Lord? I cannot do this!” Immediately Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom” popped into my head. I pondered that while I tried not to move my mouth. I certainly want a wise heart and mind for all the days I am here!
Each day is a gift from God no matter how it starts!
Now we’re talking. Everyday you have new insights and I want to hear about them as well as surprise doggy kisses. YUK!
Yes yuck! He is still cute!